Telefire Addressable Heat Detector


TELEFIRE is an addressable detector allowing two modes of operation – fire alarm at a fixed temperature and an alarm set off by the rate of temperature rise.

The TFH-280A detector from TELEFIRE is a smart set-point detector with an independent address, allowing coverage of a detection radius based on the facility’s risk level and installation height.

The heat detector provides a solution for smoke and steam infested spaces in reducing the likelihood of false alarms.
The heat detector has a number of detection modes:
1. Fixed temperature – in which the alarm point is set at between 50 to 90 degrees
2. Integrated mode – a combination between the rate of temperature rise and fixed temperature. In this mode the alarm threshold for the temperature rise can be 7-13 degrees per minute and the fixed temperature 60 degrees.

The detector is designed to work with all types of Telefire addressable panels

رقم المنتج
Data Sheet TFH-280A
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