Power Switch


Power Switch

The igh power switch controls any high consumption AC powered appliance rated up to 15A such as lights, air-conditioners, boilers, heaters or any other appliance.

Unique Features

  • Light intensity management - Once room occupancy occured the switch decides whether turn the lights ON according to user preferences and and amount of light in the room.
  • Room temperature management - Automatically turns ON/OFF air-conditioner appliances by settng temperature limits in the room.
  • Single touch – Converts touch surface to one toggle touch area.
  • Short visit – Allows to longer room occupation without turning the appliance ON.
رقم المنتج
المزيد من الخيارات
نقدم لكم أحدث المنتجات العصرية والمتوافقة مع احتياجتكم
هل تود المساعدة؟
سيقوم الفريق المختص بالتواصل معكم للاجابة على كافة استفسارتكم بشكل كامل مجاناً
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