Multi-functional 9in1 sensor w/Temp


The GRMS must have the ability to add occupancy, and other type of sensors including the 9in1 multifunctional sensor as they feel needed. The 9in1 sensor must have the following built in abilities:

• Motion Triggered Actions

• IR Emitting to control Media, Split IR controlled AC, Mirror/Bath TV ++

• Lux (Light Intensity) Sensor to study room darkness level

• 2Z (2 Zone dry inputs) to connect to door, window magnetic contacts, Smoke, Panic , corridor, and toilet PIR motion sensors, or other

• Temperature Sensor

• Logic control to drive multi level actions with

o If temperature

o If motion

o If lux

o Other combinations

• IR Receiver that work with GRMS smart Hand Held simple room Remote control. 

Each module must have broadcast and upgrade ability at any time, and must work both online and offline.

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