ماتور كراج رول ACM لغاية 180 كغم "راس ونص" 2.5 انش


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Tubular for automation damper ACM Titan 240/76 and code 1110211, Quality The Best Motor in the world. Central motor for up to 180 kg of weight, shutters crown Anchor axle outer diameter 240 mm, 76 mm. elettrofreno For The closure of the damper in block, factory mounted. Mechanical Body with cast in aluminium, alloys of steel in this engine we have not crowns or plastic bushings. Permanent Lubrication With Lithium Grease. The motor Includes: 1 gearmotor 90-degree Titan 240/76 and 230 V 1 elettrofreno For The Block 1 sheath for the release of the shutter 1 Wiring Cable length 4 MT 1 Installation Manual measures 350 x 240 x H240 Weight 10 kg.

ACM Titan 240/76 

Motor for damper 180 kg

With elettrofreno mounted and sheath to unlock

Voltage: 230 V


العلامة التجارية
رقم المنتج
Titan 240/76
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